July 25, 2010

A Prayer About Humanity

Proper 12, Year C

Go here for the audio.

A picture of me, my dad, my grandfather, and my son in August 2009.

July 18, 2010

Being the one who speaks for Justice

Proper 11, Year C

Audio is available here.

The building on the right of the picture, Dolles, is where we were getting ice cream.

July 4, 2010

A Prayer for Independence Day

Gracious and loving Creator,
We give you thanks and praise that the founders of our nation saw fit to give future generations the freedom to worship you in freedom and peace. We know that this is a gift not everyone in your creation has.
Save us from simply resting on that freedom and not working to advance the Good News of Christ.
Empower and equip us to be witnesses of your love to those who do not yet know you, and help us to go use the gifts you have given us to make our nation better for all her citizens and visitors.
All this we ask through your Son Jesus Christ.