July 28, 2013

Remember. Remember. Remember...

Proper 12, Year C, RCL
Colossians 2:6-15


Remember where you started with Christ.
Remember your Baptism.
Remember that God is always leading you.
It was a great message for the Colossians. It's a great message for us.

Here's the full audio:

July 21, 2013

Just imagine...

Proper 11, Year C, RCL
Colossians 1:15-28

Imagine in the midst of the quietly turbulant time comes a message from someone you've never met face-to-face. The cool part is that this guy thinks you're a saint, just by being a follower of Jesus!

Have a listen...

July 7, 2013

No shoes. No wallet. No purse. Big Mission!

Proper 9, Year C, RCL
Luke 10:1-11, 16-20

Photo credit: http://haruhi-kyoko.deviantart.com/art/Shoes-in-the-Sand-2-188953039

What Luke makes clear is that Jesus shared his authority with his followers and the places where they went were changed. People were healed, made whole. And those whom Jesus sent were changed as well.
So don't worry about those earthly things like shoes or wallets or purses. Find the authority Christ has shared with you and go. Let people know that the Kingdom of God has come near.

Here's the full audio version: