November 27, 2012

What are you thankful for? And why?

Thanksgiving Day

Give thanks to God that you had a safe commute to work or school; not because someone somewhere didn't have a safe commute, but because you did. And then spend the rest of the day living that thankfulness.

Click here for the audio.

My friend Fritz Massaquoi and an article about his work. 

November 8, 2012

In the midst of life, we are in death…

It is Jesus who brings hope and promise and fulfillment to the grave of Lazarus. He reminds those around him that death is not the final answer.
Read the Scriptures, then listen to the audio
And to read more about A River Runs Through It, check this link from the University of Chicago.


November 4, 2012

The ending of Job

Sunday, October 28, 2012

What ever and how ever, and where ever we are, God is present.

If we continue to take our joys and our sorrows to the king of Creation... if we bless God on bad days as well as the good, then like Job, our understanding of God will only increase.

Click here for the audio.