February 26, 2013

Foxes vs. Hens

Lent 2, Year C

If we get nothing else from this Gospel lesson, it's that the arms of Jesus are big enough to welcome us in and give us a place to be revived and refreshed and renewed. How's that for a message for Lent.

Click here for the audio

And if you need to see the commercial I reference at the beginning...

February 10, 2013

Listening for the Voice of God

Last Sunday after the Epiphany, Year C

Epiphany begins and ends with the Voice of God speaking to anyone who will listen. As we transition to Lent (and in the life of Christ Church), how will we listen and respond to that voice?

Click here for the audio.

Two images to think about, too.

The Baptism of Jesus

An icon of the Transfiguration of Jesus