group of us have been exploring the Gospel of Mark, both on Sunday mornings at
10am and on Wednesdays at 11am. We have often marveled at all of the amazing
ways Jesus heals people. Sometimes he lays hands on them; sometimes he wipes
spit in their eyes or he touches their ears. Many times, the person who is sick
isn’t even present, but it’s the faith of the one who asks for healing that
moves Jesus to act. Sometimes he utters a word or two about their healing,
sometimes he simply tells them they are well. He sometimes takes the person by
the hand, and as in today’s Gospel lesson, he simply says the word, and they
are restored to health.
I love
the story of Bartimaeus because it’s the same people who are hushing him
suddenly tell him to get up and go because Jesus is calling him. He makes a
simple request to Jesus, to see again, and Jesus says, “Your faith has made you
well.” Then Bartimaeus does something that only happens in a couple of other
places in Scripture: He follows Jesus. There are a several places where the
healed person wants to follow Jesus, but Jesus says no. In my reading of this
story, Bartimaeus doesn’t even give Jesus a chance to tell him to stay in
Jericho. Bartimaeus is already on his way!
you ever had that level of gratitude? To God? To someone else? The level of
gratitude that causes you to change your whole perspective and even leave the
place you are, physically or emotionally and spiritually? For a blind person
such as Bartimaeus, there wasn’t much in the way of employment or trade, so he
was left to beg for his daily bread. Even though he can now see, that doesn’t
mean the place he is isn’t familiar to him, that he wouldn’t have a chance at
redemption and a new start in Jericho. But instead, he opts to leave what is
familiar and follow Jesus.
I see
in the story of Bartimaeus two of the most important aspects of our call as
Christians: To do our part in acting with the same compassion Jesus acted, and
to live a life of gratitude for what God has given to us.
have been talking about Stewardship the past several weeks, both in our sermons
as well other publications. Today is the day that we hope you have brought your
pledge card so we can begin making plans for 2016. It certainly takes money to
turn the lights on, maintain an old building, pay for staff, music, Sunday
School curriculum, and a myriad of other “costs of doing business.” So from a
practical standpoint, by giving the Vestry an idea of what you intend to
contribute to Christ Church in the year to come, it helps them to make a
From a
spiritual standpoint, you are helping us, the Vestry and staff, be good
stewards of those resources which you give. We are constantly looking at how we
are practicing good stewardship of finances, and also of the time and talent
that is in our midst as well. Part of my plan in calling the fourth Sunday of
each month “Stewardship Sunday” is to be transparent in promoting all the ways
we make a good faith effort, and I would say very often experience success, at
being good stewards of our finances, our building, our people, and our
creation. During our annual meeting on November 8th, I will say a
little more about each of those areas.
is, as I’ve said on several occasions, everything we do after we say “We
believe.” Stewardship is how we respond
with gratitude, even the gratitude of Bartimaeus, to what God has given us in
our lives. We give back to God out of thanks, not because God gives us a bill.
I think it’s fair to say that God loves it when we recognize in both word and
action what the Almighty has done for us, through us, and with us. I find my
own walk with Christ more difficult when I do not acknowledge the presence and
the action of God in my life.
Gospel story comes at the end of a whole section, about three chapters, where
Jesus is dealing with people who are blind, both physically and spiritually. In
showing compassion, Jesus opened Bartimaeus’ eyes to see a world he had not
known. What would happen if we allowed Jesus to open our eyes to see his hand
at work in the world around us? What if Jesus could open our eyes to see those
around us who were in need, spiritually as well as physically? It happens, you
know. In big ways and small ways. It happened here a number of years ago when
several people say the need for ministry to children who have a parent in
prison. Camp Hope was born out of seeing that need, and parishioners at Christ
Church (and some beyond Christ Church) have responded to that need to the tune
of over $20,000 per year over and above what their contribution to Christ
Church may be to pay for these young people to experience the love of God in
Christian Community. As Camp Hope has grown, so has the recognition that many
of the young people served by Camp Hope need our attention and care during the
other 51 weeks of the year than when they are at camp.
past Monday, the Vestry endorsed proceeding with a plan, written and presented
by Terry Brubaker, to launch an after-school program next Fall. This is not
just a dream of Terry’s, but something that God has put in her heart and given
her the wherewithal to work towards it’s reality. This program is a natural
expansion of Camp Hope. The budgeting for Terry’s plan calls again for funding
beyond our budget, meaning contributions in the same manner as people support
Camp Hope. I would challenge us to fund this initiative from our budget. As
Camp Hope’s presence and impact have expanded, our embrace of this ministry
should expand as well so that we fund, as a form of outreach, a portion of the
after-school program. It would be a faithful response to our call to act with
the same compassion as Jesus by responding with gratitude for what God has
given us. And don’t worry. There will be plenty of opportunity to give of time
and talent to this program as well. J
So many of you have given back to this place for so many
years, and for so many reasons, not the least of which is the recognition that
God is at work in your life and in the life of Christ Church. You’ve enabled
Christ Church to act with compassion to those in need, and to help live out the
Good News of Jesus Christ. And for that, I thank you.
We are not finished with 21015 yet, but I am already looking forward to all the ways we will continue to live out that faithfulness in 2016 and beyond.
We are not finished with 21015 yet, but I am already looking forward to all the ways we will continue to live out that faithfulness in 2016 and beyond.