Easter 7, Year C
On a warm, clear, picture-perfect Monday afternoon just two weeks ago, the Most Rev. Michael Curry, Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church, took to this pulpit to walk with us, teach us, about the Jesus Movement. He’s been on this theme of Jesus Movement for a while, so he’s had plenty of time to hone the message and adapt it to whatever audience might be listening. His sermon was probably the most energetic and lively and dynamic that this pulpit as seen in a long, long, time (if ever). George Wakefield, the well-known preacher from the Great Awakening, preached here at Christ Church in 1765 and might have brought as much thunder as Bishop Curry. Maybe. Wakefield had the reputation, but of course we don’t have a recording. (Click here for a recording of Bishop Curry's sermon.)
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The Most Rev. Michael Curry |
Our culture and our society
have dissolved to a point where too many people are hesitant to lend aid or
even an ear to someone else if they have differing view or perspectives on that
thing that could be so incredibly minuscule. Too often, we are more concerned
with every other label someone might have and if we like those labels then we
might give more credence to what we hare or see. If we don’t like those labels,
then, well, might we even give them the time of day? All of this division and partitioning and
fracturing has caused us to put these different labels over the single most
important identifier we have. We are all a CHILD OF GOD.
If there is a message the
world needs to hear from Christians of all branches of the Jesus Movement, that’s
it à That no matter what other
label we put on ourselves or others or what label others try to put on us, the
one that says CHILD OF GOD is the one that must show first.
During this Easter season, we
heard highlights from the Book of Acts about how the Jesus Movement was
spreading throughout all Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the Earth. In
that process, in that movement, the disciples of Jesus who have been left to
carry on his message without him have found that God, as they came to know God
in the person of Jesus, could have an impact on people they never thought
possible. God does this sort of thing throughout all Scriptures, using
imperfect and unexpected people to accomplish the divine plan. We hear stories
in the Epiphany season where Jesus reveals who he is to some unexpected people
who may or may not have even been looking for the Messiah.
Beginning with the 3rd
Sunday of Easter this year, where we heard the story of Saul’s Damascus Road
conversion in Acts 9, we begin to see how the disciples are carrying the Jesus
Movement beyond the Jewish Community to some who were known as God-fearers,
like the story of Lydia we heard last week, and others who were outside that tradition,
most likely like the jailer and his family in today’s reading from Acts 16. These
conversions were not without controversy. Devout Jesus followers were more than
a little nervous about Saul (now Paul) because he had been persecuting
Christians mercilessly. Faithful Jews were more than a little concerned about
Gentiles becoming followers of The Way because they understood this as a Jewish
thing and questioned whether or not God could speak to or work through those
born outside of the Covenant. That gets (mostly) resolved in Acts 15, if you
want o tread a little more about it.
Living into the Jesus
Movement, both then and now, is not without it’s costs. Followers of Jesus were
beaten and jailed and disowned by their families. It cost them prestige and prominence
in their communities because they took a rise to share and to be the love of Christ in a broken
world. They took a risk to share Jesus’ message, not to bring more into the
fold as a Child of God, but because they already were a child of God and they
needed to hear it!
That’s the essence of the
Jesus Movement à Not
that there’s a whole world waiting to become Children of God, but there’s a
whole world full of God’s Children who need to hear it, experience it, believe
it. And it’s not Michael Curry’s job to tell them. At least, it’s not his
alone. It’s yours. And it’s mine. And it’s ours together. And it starts with
the simplest of steps. It starts with you yourself knowing that you. Are. A.
Child. Of. God..
It is my inmost prayer each
week that you leave this place empowered to be the hands, feet and voice of
Jesus in the world. Today, as you go back to your seat from receiving Communion
(or a blessing if you choose not to receive), you will be handed two stickers
that say “I am a Child of God.” One is for you.

The Jesus Movement started
with small steps, too, many, many years ago, and look where we are today. Only
God knows where the small steps of today’s Christians will lead.